

Ever get those days when you just have had enough?

It's called burnout folks.

It's when people ask too much from you and the load just keeps getting bigger. 

I am having it right now.

Something has to give...

For the future Spring Semester, I have given up TWO classes that I LOVE teaching. One is the beloved Second Life class. The other is the Unity II. 

I released these to try to lessen the load. It will hurt financially, as well as emotionally. These were tough classes to drop. I fear the future may not give them back.


My hopes are that the two classes I do have, Unity I and Zumba®, will keep me grounded.

You also have to remember, on top of the teaching, I hold a full time position as an Instructional Designer, as well as take classes as a student. I am a busy person. 

With that complaining out of the way, I thank you for listening.  

If you see Rah in-world, stop and say hello. Tell her something wonderful. She needs a positive note