
Happy New Year

This has been a wonderful year. 

It's been a very busy one; however, beautiful and productive. 

Rah Rehula has grown in her creativity. 

You can tell this by viewing the newest inventory on The Marketplace. It can also be seen by visiting the shop in-world. 

The Happy Hat is smaller in size now and has less lag since the stock is limited to a certain number. This does create some havoc for Rah Rehula. 

She always loved placing the shoes out on shelves as well as as many hats and items she could. Sometimes the land impact went as high as 1000 objects! No more folks. She is limiting herself to 230 these days. 

It's been a struggle and a learning curve. Bear with it for a few more months and Rah will have this down to a science in no time!


Happy New Year. The physical me wishes you a healthy and happy 2014.


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