
Lat Day of the Year

It's the last day of the year and I think I need to look back on what has been accomplished in my world. Last year I...
  1. Worked on distractions.
    This one is the toughest component for me. I am easily distracted. Here is an example for you of what happens....
    Research a simple programming question (C#). Leads me to an answer for an LSL (Linden Scripting Language) issue. Dive into application. Try several times. Leads me to a build idea. Build leads me to think of other idea. Research LSL again for new answer. Find something related to C# question...only in JavaScript. Research conversions. Discover OBJ to FBX generator. Play with conversions. Open Unity. Add new FBX files. Start scripting. Research answer to new questions. Remember old question. Return to search.
    By now, hours have passed.
    Needless to say, I am still working on this one.
  2. Promotion
    Yes. Received a promotion at YC and was provided a title of Program Director of Video Game Development. Just a bunch of fancy words fro more work. So far in this position, I have...
    Completed an unfinished program
    Scrambled to find Adjunct Faculty to teach
    Teach seven courses no for two semesters
    Redesigned curriculum (goes into place this Fall)
    Read MANY, MANY books on Video Game Development
    Taken several classes myself on subject (still doing!)
    Learned new LMS (Learning Management Software)
    AND MORE...
  3. Quality Matters®
    Have become a Quality Matters® course reviewer.
    Was their Subject Matter Expert on the first review!
    Am learning a great deal about class design. If I can get to teach less courses, I may even be able to apply some of this knowledge.
    Just another review then I can take a class to head reviews...and teach Quality Matters® to other institutions.
  4. Continue to teach Zumba®
    This is actually my mellow side (hehehehe)
    Learned several new routines this year. That is exciting.
    Now...will I remember them...
  5. Went to Ireland
    With my sister
  6. Continue Virtual Shop
    The Happy Hat still runs
    Change shop every month (this may need to stop...)
    Continue building new Hats, Clothes, Textures, Shoes, Poses. Etc.
  7. My Home
    I place this one last; however, it is always first...
    My husband is not getting better. This was one of our toughest years in the wellness department. It has been a long year for this one. We continue to hope things will change. They may...and they more than likely will not. We should really look at this. Today, he will put on a brave face and take me to a New Year's Eve early dinner. The place is a surprise. Interesting. We will then come home and drink champagne and celebrate the New Year. Same thing every year. I go outside and cheer as the neighbors shoot of fireworks. The hubby bitches about the noise and the possibility of fire. Our beautiful, medical assistant, 50 pound Scotty, will hide somewhere.
    Maybe the son will come by or call...
    I Love My Family.
Oh yea...Won an award too.
G.I.F.T. Fellowship Award for Teaching Excellence.
First "Staff" person to receive this ;-D 

What I hope to accomplish this year, is to do some more creative Writing. My last tale from Into Your Dreams was written in 2013! That's bad. I know I have been very busy, and will be again this semester; however, it is time to take back TIME...for myself. Happy New Year everyone ;-D

Image found online somewhere... If it is your work, please let me know so I can provide proper citations ;-D

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