
End of September...

It seems another month has flown by this year. Can you believe we are at the end of September?!
A reflection for myself would run like this...

  • Class
  • Play with "Sir Barks Alot"
  • Grading
  • Class
  • Grading
  • Husband to Dr.
  • Class
  • Grading
  • SL Builds
  • Play with "Sir Barks Alot"
  • Husband to Dr.
  • Grading
  • Grading
  • Grading
  • Grading
  • Husband to Dr.
  • Class
  • Build Course
  • Grading
  • Grading
  • Husband to Dr.
  • Play with "Sir Barks Alot"
  • Fun (maybe)
  • ETC

It looks boring, I know. In reality, I make each little "thing" exciting. If I do not do this, life would pretty much suck.

What I see from this silly, on the spot, generated list, is the necessity to play with Kota a bit more. Really, I need to make a point to walk him every day when I get home. This will be my October "thing" to make fun.

Goodbye September...

Image from https://ourladyofsorrows.ca/september-2018-tentative-calendar/ 

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