

I've often been asked why a mask represents The Happy Hat. The answer is a culmination of events at the time of the shops invention.

In the year of conception, I was also teaching an Adobe Illustrator Course. The Mask was an assignment...

In the year of conception, I was also involved in a department which worked with Technology incorporated in teaching and learning. In a conversation about Virtual Environments and Online Courses, we discussed the Mask which many persons don. This Mask can be a positive thing. Those persons shy, and quiet can finally be heard.

These are just two factors at the time. There are more. Maybe another day...


This is one from 2012. Rah Rehula is still found in this outfit. The hair has been replaced with Mesh to reduce Complexity. The shoes were removed and mesh feet were added to cover the default toes. Those are AWFUL...

Just something to let you know I am still alive ;-D

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