
Saturday, August 17th

In the realm where dreams take digital form,

Where avatars dance through pixels storm,

A figure emerges, young and bright,

In Second Life, where hearts take flight.

Rah Rehula, seventeen today,

In a world where suns forever stay,

Where the clock’s hands never dare to spin,

And possibilities stretch far and thin.

Through circuits and codes, a life unfolds,

In pixels and bytes, stories untold,

Each click and keystroke, a path anew,

In this virtual world, where dreams come true.

With each year that passes, you grow strong,

In this realm where you truly belong,

From virtual shores to the starlit skies,

Your spirit soars, where imagination flies.

Happy Rez Day, Rah Rehula, bright and bold,

May your days be filled with stories untold,

In Second Life’s ever-glowing embrace,

Here’s to you in this boundless space.

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