
Years Past Two

Yep. It was cold last night. Not snowing cold; wet, windy, flooding cold.

Our little aqueduct was flowing when I went out in the wee hours. Lots of water, lightning, and thunder here.

This image is just the second in the series.  In the last, I told of a weight challenge I had. Today, not there. No "overweight" lady here!

Oh yes. I have to "watch what I eat". This does not mean I can't have whatever I want...Just not as much as I used to.

It is also important as I have to reinvest in my wardrobe. This is costly. Especially those damn bras! Ladies, you know what I am talking about. A good holder is worth its weight in gold. 

Back to the weight challenge.

Apparently, there is this thing called metabolism. Mine is not as active as it was in my youth. In fact, today I feel that age. It's because of the cold. This body, even worse now there is less weight, doesn't work well in cold.

Think I'll start looking for warm places to retire. Now, if I can find this, no State Tax, and legalization (you know), it will be a dream.

Does a place exist?

Thanks for listening. 

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