
Years Past

There's a chill in the air here in Arid'Zona. Winter may hit us before Fall is through!

This image is from a few years ago. There was a Hunt...

This Hunt was Broken Resolutions. You know the New Year's Resolutions that folks always blow by week three.

At that time, about 2011 "ish", I was pretty heavy. The scale was very close to that 200-pound mark. This brought about the Shape of the Avatar.

Now, I never saw myself as overweight. Hell, I worked out five days a week. I was just big. 

The Hubby saw this avatar and asked if this was how I saw myself. We had a lengthy conversation on how people tend to exaggerate what the facts are.

This is what I know is fact. At 5'6" (lost an inch and one half of my height), 195 is too much.

So, off I went to put myself back in fighting weight. It has been a slow process but, I am there folks.  Hit the goal weight two weeks ago. 

The one downfall, well...there is more than one...is the difference when I ride. That extra poundage kept the bike rolling smoothly in the wind...

Now you know more about me than you really wanted too ;-D

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