
The Happy Hat

 The IN-WORLD store has closed its doors. 

The Marketplace Store will stay open, as well as The Happy Hat Group. The latter will still receive gifts.

Rah Rehula is not leaving Second Life, she is taking a break from the In-World Shop only. This may not be permanent. The IN-WORLD shop may come back after life slows down in the physical world. 


  1. Hugs and be safe just found the MP store after losing the link was going in world from the link there glad I came here to read.. Take care in all you do ~ Awesome stuff as I have some of your things never stop making things

  2. Thank you Cathy. Have been out SICK for a long time. Still have a bit of healing to do.


  3. Praying for you to be well and please take care and if this comes up more then once sorry kicks my computer
    If you need anything please ask I love helping others

    Cathy Cheveyo (use to be Avril) (SL name cyonvadisi resident)
