
December is Here.

As many of you know, each month Rah redecorates The Happy Hat. This involves changing the colors and textures of the shop, and adding a new items to the shelves.

Rah has really changed it up this time. She is trying to downsize. This is a slow process. We'll see what happens as we move forward with this.

Send Rah a note on how you like the look.

Come by and see what December 2013 has in store (and stock) for you!


Happy Thanksgiving

Rah's Art ;-D



Just a heads up for you Happy Hat shoppers...

Rah is bored and has decided The Happy Hat needs to be changed up...again. Be aware if you pop in within the next five days, things may be in disarray. Do not fret. It will be back in tip top shape (we hope) by December 1st.

Rah does this on occasion. Thank goodness she can move things around in the virtual world for if he physical world could be cleared as quickly...Life would definitely be interesting. 


Let's Give Thanks Hunt Gifts...

One Hat
One Scene to Share with Friend...
This hunt begins November 24th and runs until December 10th.
Pick yours up at The Happy Hat

Enjoy Hunters!



Just a quick word to tell you I am still alive. Life is very busy at the moment. It may slow down and it may not. I do have some new things built for The Happy Hat and will be placing them out for your viewing pleasure in the next few months.

I am also reducing The Happy Hat parcel size. It seems finances these days are getting tighter. Next month, I'll be down to a $25 a month fee. We'll see where that leads. I hope I can stay at that size...If not...That's OK too.

Some have asked about The Marketplace...That will stay. No need to worry there.

Thank you to all who have supported Rah Rehula throughout the conception of The Happy Hat. Without you, she would not be.  You are truly wonderful people.


It's Cold in Arid'Zona

Winter in Second Life 2011


Coming Soon...

...A new outfit for The Black & White Series!


Back in 2009

I threw this in the mix...
Still beautiful to hear.



I am not a huge fan of the video "but" the sound is not too bad...
Enjoy ;-D


Thank You

For my Freedom to Speak, to play, to read, to be...



Ever get those days when you just have had enough?

It's called burnout folks.

It's when people ask too much from you and the load just keeps getting bigger. 

I am having it right now.

Something has to give...

For the future Spring Semester, I have given up TWO classes that I LOVE teaching. One is the beloved Second Life class. The other is the Unity II. 

I released these to try to lessen the load. It will hurt financially, as well as emotionally. These were tough classes to drop. I fear the future may not give them back.


My hopes are that the two classes I do have, Unity I and Zumba®, will keep me grounded.

You also have to remember, on top of the teaching, I hold a full time position as an Instructional Designer, as well as take classes as a student. I am a busy person. 

With that complaining out of the way, I thank you for listening.  

If you see Rah in-world, stop and say hello. Tell her something wonderful. She needs a positive note 




These times they are a changing

As we skip to the musical beat

No telling what the future holds

But it is you I hope to meet...



Why does the world have so many greedy bastards within in it? What is it that makes a person want to take another's hard earned life? I ask this because I just do not understand. I do not understand the need to take what is not yours and to feel good about it.

This past week, my very own sister was hacked. The hacker did not maliciously ruin any computer applications, the hacker took monies.  Money that a single mother worked years to save. Money that a hard working woman fought for, in a world of male dominance. Money that was budgeted for. Money that was not theirs to take.

This hacker should be ashamed. They should feel mortified for what they have done. Is this an action they would enjoy being done to them? Is this something they can proudly tell their children about? I don't think the answer to these questions is a yes. My sister is a person who would give the money to you if you needed it. She would share her last meal with you. 

If a person were to look deep within their heart, they should find love. Love is the only emotion which rules the world. In duality, there is fear. Fear is yet another emotion...only within the invisible world. Think about it. Look in your heart and know you are either one or the other. Which will you choose. 

I am Love.

Thank you for listening.



November is Here

As many of you know, each month Rah redecorates The Happy Hat. This involves changing the colors and textures of the shop, and adding a new items to the shelves.

Find the mushroom to sit upon and just spin on the floatie for a few minutes to enjoy the sights and sounds. Rah has added some mellow sounds for this month for you to meditate with.

Send Rah a note on how you like the look.

Come by and see what November 2013 has in store (and stock) for you!


The Frozen Hunt

One Hat
One Sitter

This hunt begins November 1st and runs until November 30th.
Pick yours up at The Happy Hat

Enjoy Hunters!